winfun BrandCPS Parenting4 Stage ToyBaby ProductTheme Toy

On The Move Activity Cube

Item No. 000264

  • Multi-activity cube for little hands to explore
  • Lenticular smiling sun face, squeaky and crinkle taxi, baby-safe mirror, colorful rainbow handle and steering wheel
  • Different textured fabrics, bold contrasting colors and patterns capture baby’s attention and focus
  • Easy ring attachment connects to stroller, crib or car seat for take-along fun


Self Photos / Files - 3M+ Little Pals


Find Near

Rr.Sabaudin Gabrani pranë Auto Kadiu
Savanorių pr. 1, Vilnius
I-VI 8:00 a.m. - 9 p.m. VII 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Ekaterinburg, Akademika Shvartza str., 1 SEC Botanika Mall
A. Juozapavičiaus pr. 68-1, Kaunas
I-VII 8.00-21.00
(WINNERS, HomeSense, and Marshalls) 60 Standish Court Mississauga, ON L5R 0G1
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m (E.S.T)
595 Shelburne Rd, Burlington
Sunday - Saturday 24 hours
Shop 320B, Level 3, MOKO 193 Prince Edward Road West Hong Kong
12:00pm - 8:30pm

Product Description

Self Photos / Files - web 000264-01

Self Photos / Files - web 000264-02

Self Photos / Files - web 000264-03

Self Photos / Files - web 000264-04

Self Photos / Files - web 000264-05

Self Photos / Files - web 000264-05

Self Photos / Files - web 000264-06

Self Photos / Files - web 000264-07

Self Photos / Files - web 000264-08

Self Photos / Files - web 000264-09

Self Photos / Files - web 000264-10

Self Photos / Files - web 000264-11

Self Photos / Files - web 000264-12


Product Description:

  • Multi-activity cube for little hands to explore
  • Lenticular smiling sun face, squeaky and crinkle taxi, baby-safe mirror, colorful rainbow handle and steering wheel
  • Different textured fabrics, bold contrasting colors and patterns capture baby’s attention and focus
  • Easy ring attachment connects to stroller, crib or car seat for take-along fun


Product Name On The Move Activity Cube
Item Number 000264
Battery N/A
Age 3M+